
Most parents insist that their children wear sunglasses for a day at the beach, but they give little thought to allowing kids to damage their eyes using electronic devices. In fact, some experts say that using cell phones, TVs and tablets isn’t much different from looking at the sun when it comes to the damage it can cause your eyes.

The blue light that is emitted from the screens of these devices happens to be precisely in the range where it can cause the most damage: around 430 to 440 nanometers. It may have a short wavelength, but its high energy means it penetrates right through the lens of the eye and the cornea to reach the retina in the back of the eye. This can cause macular degeneration and eventually blindness. Doctors warn that Millennials, who tend to spend lots of hours looking at screens all day, risk starting to go blind once they approach 50.

Many people experience frequent headaches as a result of digital eye strain, and it’s not unusual for their vision to become blurry. According to ophthalmologist Dr. Alan Mendelsohn, looking at a screen for more than half an hour a day is risky.


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