USDA caught murdering hundreds of kittens in “incineration ovens” as part of cruel medical experiments

Just in case you weren’t already horrified by the actions of federal agencies, the USDA has been caught experimenting with and executing hundreds of kittens as part of some sort of twisted study. Congressman Mike Bishop of Michigan is now calling for an investigation, revealing that he has already sent a letter to Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue about the horrific revelation from earlier this week.

White House 1600 Daily: A victory for the world

President Donald J. Trump welcomed home three American returnees from North Korea. “They are really three incredible people,” the President said from Joint Base Andrews. “And the fact that we were able to get them out so soon was really a tribute to a lot of things, including a certain process that’s taking place right now.”

Most University Medical Research Brought To You By Big Pharma

Partly a result in the decrease in government funding in innovation, health, science, and general development and partly a result of the close connection between major corporations, government, and academia, there has been a major increase in the “financial partnerships” between universities and Big Pharma over the past several years. Once a relatively rare occurrence, Big Pharma/Big Ed partnerships have become a common sight, with many corporations maintaining massive “integrated programs” and “science hubs” in university institutions. The focus of these programs are not necessarily public health but the development of drugs for Big Pharma profits.

The Truth About Where Your Clothes Really Come From – If You Live & Shop In North America

Our clothes — the stuff in our wardrobe right now — are the result of a reckless industry, responsible for some of the worst pollution and most horrific human rights violations on the planet. Pressured by fashion’s largest name brands, textile factories and garment manufacturers consistently cut corners to increase annual profit margins, at any cost. The modern fashion industry, currently making upwards of $3 trillion a year, is simply unsustainable.

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