
For a long time, cannabis had a bad reputation. It was portrayed by the media, as well as the government itself, as a sort of dangerous gateway drug that must be avoided in order to live a productive and successful life. However, times have now changed. Nowadays, there is plenty of information about the benefits of using cannabis – particularly when it comes to pain relief in patients. Now a special journal issue has been put together by experts on the subject to push further acceptance and adoption of cannabis as a form of modern medication.

Based on an online report, it appears that a special issue of the European Journal of Internal Medicine was created with the aim of bringing cannabis into mainstream medicine. As the report states, medical cannabis is a truly safe and effective choice for pain relief. Researchers are, therefore, calling for it to be properly established as a treatment in the modern medical arsenal.

The special issue of the journal contains a number of definitive studies as well as a comprehensive overview of all the currently available evidence on the uses of cannabis and derived medicinal products from it. The researchers also call for even more research in order to improve the evidence base that can be used in the future.


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