Deep State Probe Into Caputo Leads Him to Face Financial Ruin

While Washington feeds its insatiable Trump/Russia-collusion jones, Americans are going broke in the process. Mere witnesses before congressional oversight panels, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s inquiry, and the grand jury he has convened endure ginormous legal bills. Although they are not suspected of wrongdoing, their expenses can be crippling. In contrast, federal sleuths enjoy virtually infinite resources. And if Uncle Sam’s lawyers ever run out of money, unlike their private counterparts, they can get the Treasury to print more.

McCain Admits Iraq War Was A Mistake

“The principal reason for invading Iraq, that Saddam had WMD, was wrong,” McCain wrote in his new book. “The war, with its cost in lives and treasure and security, can’t be judged as anything other than a mistake, a very serious one, and I have to accept my share of the blame for it.”

Hundreds of People Shaken After Another Mysterious ‘Boom’ Sound Rocks Pennsylvania

Mysterious sounds heard all over the world have researchers completely stumped. They’ve been happening for quite some time, with the latest example coming from Pennsylvania, with multiple townships being affected by these mysterious sounds, feeling their vibration and waking them up in the middle of the night. It wasn’t long ago when residents in Alabama were left baffled when a loud boom resounded across much of the state.

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