While Washington feeds its insatiable Trump/Russia-collusion jones, Americans are going broke in the process. Mere witnesses before congressional oversight panels, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s inquiry, and the grand jury he has convened endure ginormous legal bills. Although they are not suspected of wrongdoing, their expenses can be crippling. In contrast, federal sleuths enjoy virtually infinite resources. And if Uncle Sam’s lawyers ever run out of money, unlike their private counterparts, they can get the Treasury to print more.

The case of Michael Caputo embodies this ugliness.

“Before Hillary Clinton and her cronies developed this revenge strategy, I had invested significantly in my business — hiring new people, taking on a partner, hoping to expand into event management,” says Caputo, a conservative political activist, communications consultant, and former Trump-campaign adviser who has been vacuumed into the Russiagate tornado. “That investment cannot pay off in this environment.” More ominously, he notes, “Longstanding clients have stepped away from me, telling me to call after Russiagate is over.”


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