
How disappointing is this: It’s Memorial Day weekend and Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is our attorney general. Upset? Well, imagine how the people who fought and died for this country would feel on their holiday with Hillary Clinton roaming free, James Comey making millions off his second-rate memoir, the Obamas inking a Netflix deal, Elizabeth Warren set for an easy reelection, and instead of hauling these scumbags off to federal prison, the corrupt DoJ and its clown of a figurehead seem to be doing everything they can to bring down the newly elected President of The United States.

But, we’re not powerless. And without public pressure we’ll never get a new AG or even a second special prosecutor who isn’t just another Clinton crook.

So, have a cold one and click here to sign the WhiteHouse.gov petition to #FireSessions. Then please consider sharing it.

America needs us.


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