
Fox News is now reporting on the unprecedented gag order UK officials placed on media to vainly keep the disappearance of Tommy Robinson hidden from the public.

In short, it’s a Soviet-style disappearance: the UK police arrested Robinson, the court ordered the press to not talk about it, and it’s quite likely that Robinson will die in prison given the previous death threats made against the outspoken journalist.

Despite the gag order, US legacy media is now reporting on this sensational story.

According to Fox News:

Sources with knowledge of Robinson’s case spoke on condition of anonymity in part because of fear they would be arrested for contempt. One told Fox that Robinson’s lawyer warned that, considering the presence of Muslim gang members in prison, a 13-month sentence was tantamount to a death sentence.

“Tommy’s lawyer said he will likely die in jail given his profile and previous credible threats, and the judge basically said he doesn’t care,” the source said. “He sentenced him to 13 months in prison.”

The head of UKIP says the gag order was beyond authoritarian.


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