
There is a reason why official U.S. policy has been to never pay ransom to a foreign government or terrorist organization in order to get American citizens back.

It’s because paying ransoms only encourages more kidnappings.

Mind you, Barack Obama blew up that policy when he delivered $400 million in cash to the Iranian government aboard a cargo plane in the middle of the night during his final year in office — in violation of U.S. law — to get back four Americans Tehran was holding.

And sure enough, after the payment was made Iran kidnapped more Americans.

That policy came to mind after news broke that anti-gun Parkland school shooting survivor-turned extortionist David Hogg announced he was staging a “die-in” at a Publix grocery store last week because the chain donates to political candidates supported by the NRA.

Now mind you, Publix is likely donating to candidates not supported by the NRA as well because playing both sides of the political aisle is what corporations must do in order to be ‘left alone’ by meddling lawmakers who seek to impose more regulatory costs on their industry.


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