New Vegas Shooting Documents Reveal Three Women Found In Stephen Paddock’s Room

Recent documents released regarding the October 1, 2017 Las Vegas Shooting are beginning to shed light on more discrepancies and abnormalities surrounding the official timeline and narrative of the tragedy as originally stated by Sheriff Joe Lombardo and Special Agent Aaron Rouse of the Las Vegas FBI, including documentation that three women were found in the alleged shooter’s room.

The Company That Is Taking Over Monsanto Knowingly Gave Thousands Of Children HIV

The Big Pharma giant Bayer has just won approval from the US Justice Department for the $62.5 billion dollar takeover of the agrichemical behemoth Monsanto. The deal, which was solidified on Tuesday, has many people on edge knowing that Bayer, a company with a sordid history of corruption is merging with Monsanto, the company who has made an empire with its pesticide, herbicide, and genetically-engineered seed empire.

Whole Foods suspends GMO labeling promise, will continue selling unlabeled GMOs after five-year LIE to its own customers

After being purchased by dishonest globalist Jeff Bezos — the same “Dr. Evil” anti-American creep who runs the fake news Washington Post — Whole Foods Market is now reversing five years of promises to consumers by suspending its GMO labeling promise. This means Whole Foods will continue to sell unlabeled GMOs while fraudulently insinuating to customers that its stores sell no GMOs whatsoever.

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