Giving Life To The Living Image Of The Beast And The First-Fruits Of His Dark Image-Bearers

When reading the new book The Milieu, readers will be amazed to learn all that will be required to make human/robot babies in the very near future is the integration of human DNA and robot “DNA.” These robot chromosomes will be “a set of computerized DNA codes for creating artificial creatures that can have their own personality…based on established biological inheritance laws,”[i] Dr. David Levy observes. The genetic codes are broken into two categories: “personality” and “outward.” As the titles suggest, the “personality” or genotype coding will provide genetic information to guide specific internal makeup, while the “outward” or phenotype coding will determine the way the robot looks and acts, including hair color, eye color, personality and so on.

Study: AI could spark a nuclear apocalypse by 2040

A new study conducted by the RAND Corporation warns that advances in artificial intelligence could spark a nuclear apocalypse as soon as 2040. The researchers gathered information from experts in nuclear issues, government, AI research, AI policy, and national security. According to the paper, AI machines might not destroy the world autonomously, but artificial intelligence could encourage humans to take apocalyptic risks with military decisions.

Not getting enough sleep can raise your risk of depression by 80%

We lead busy lives, and sometimes there just isn’t enough time in the day to fit everything in. Between work and family responsibilities, many of us find ourselves sacrificing sleep to get it all done. You’re probably well aware of the negative impact a lack of sleep can have on your mood, but a new study might make you think twice the next time you’re tempted to stay up late finishing that project or TV show.

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