
Bilderberg globalists are concerned about the populist uprising sweeping Europe.

The annual elitist confab is set to meet this week in Turin, an appropriate venue given that Italy has just elected an anti-mass migration, eurosceptic coalition government.

According to the group’s official website, the number one topic of conversation at this year’s secretive meeting will be “populism in Europe”.

Having failed to install a former IMF technocrat after coalition talks between the 5 Star Movement and Lega parties temporarily broke down, globalists will undoubtedly be expressing alarm at the potential for Italy to be an example to the rest of Europe.

The country’s new populist government has vowed to deport 500,000 migrants, re-assert localism over globalisation & monopoly capitalism, monitor mosques and reinvigorate the country’s Christian heritage, all policies that directly contradict the neoliberal globalist consensus that Bilderberg represents.


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