President Donald Trump’s approval rating has risen to 44 percent, up four points from April, according to a new poll released Thursday. Forty-four percent of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling the presidency, which is up nine points since February, the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed. As well as the positive approval rating, 60 percent of voters said they are satisfied with the U.S. economy. Trump’s 44-percent approval is the same as former Presidents Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan in June of 2010 and 1982, Politico reported. The results also showed a majority of voters are 45 percent less likely to support a candidate who would support House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as speaker, if Democrats were to take back the majority in the House. (RELATED: POLL: Trump’s Approval Rating Trends Upward After Stormy Daniels Allegations) The positive approval ratings might be bad news for Democrats who are hoping to win big in the midterm elections in 2018. (RELATED: Everyone Talking About A ‘Blue Wave’ In November Should See These Latest Poll Numbers For Democrats) The poll was conducted through 900 registered voters nationwide from June 1 through 4, most of whom were contacted through cell phone. The margin of error was plus-or-minus 3.3 points. Follow Henry Rodgers On Twitter Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected].

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