China To Send Fighter Jet Escort For Kim When He Arrives In Singapore On Sunday

In the latest sign that the Singapore summit between the US and North Korea wouldn’t be happening without China’s permission, China’s leaders are reportedly considering whether to send fighter jets to escort North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as he travels through Chinese airspace during his trip to the island city-state, according to the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong-based newspaper with close ties to the regime.

Student says he was booted from SGA over pro-gun views

According to Lancaster, the private conversation about gun rights happened in early March, when he encountered some student government colleagues discussing the topic of gun control. Lancaster recounts that he told other student officers that “guns are not responsible for the individuals who carry them” and said that he doesn’t think that “taking guns away will solve anything.”

The Race to Send Robots to Mine the Ocean Floor

When the 300-foot Maersk Launcher docked in San Diego early Monday morning, it unloaded a cargo of hardened black blobs scooped from the bottom of the sea. The blobs are not rocks, but naturally-occurring metallic nodules that could one day yield metal deposits of cobalt, manganese, and nickel—not to mention scarce rare earth minerals.

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