Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced an ambitious new desalination project that will address the current multi-year drought. But the surprising way he chose to present the new program, offering much-needed aid to Israel’s sworn enemy, had a Biblical precedent as well as prophetic end-of days implications. The Israeli government revealed on Sunday a new desalination program that, at an estimated cost of $30 million, will bring fresh water directly to the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee). The project is being fast-tracked and is expected to bring up to 100 million cubic meters of desalinated water to Israel’s main water source within the next four years. Israel is suffering its fifth consecutive year of drought and the Kinneret is currently at 689 feet below sea level, over one-and-a-half feet below the lower red line. In 2001, the Sea of Galilee was at an even lower level, 705 feet below sea level -considered as the “black line” – below which irreversible ecological problems may begin to occur. (Read more)

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