Pope Francis started purging top figures in Chile’s Catholic Church on Monday over a series of sex abuse scandals and cover-ups, starting with accepting the resignations of three bishops. Francis had accepted the resignations of Bishop Juan Barros, Bishop Gonzalo Duarte and Bishop Cristian Caro, according to a Vatican statement. At least 30 other bishops also offered to tender their resignations over their failure to protect Chile’s children from sex abusers within the Church. “We have put our positions in the hands of the Holy Father and will leave it to him to decide freely for each of us,” they said in a letter in May. “We want to ask forgiveness for the pain caused to the victims, to the pope, to God’s people and to our country for the serious errors and omissions we have committed.” One of Barros’ critics praised Francis removing Barro from power, adding that this was the “beginning of the end of this culture of abuse and cover-up in the Church.” (Read more)

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