Archaeologists have discovered what they believe may be the largest single mass child sacrifice event in human history. More than 140 children — between 5 and 14 years — were slaughtered at the same time in Peru’s northern coastal region, about 550 years ago. The children’s ruptured remains contained cuts to their breastbones, which are believed to have been made by a ceremonial knife. Dislocated rib cages suggest that whoever carried out the bloody sacrifices may have been trying to tear out the children’s’ hearts. Researchers also found small footprints that have survived the centuries which indicate the children were marched to their deaths from Chan Chan, an ancient city one mile away. The discovery was made near modern-day Trujillo, Peru, which lies near the center of the ancient Chimú civilization. More than 200 young llamas were also sacrificed alongside the children — all of which were killed at the same time at the burial site known as Las Llamas. (Read more)

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