Donald Trump should not sit for an interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, because the entire foundation of the Trump-Russia investigation is a “corrupt” scheme, according to Rudy Giuliani in a Friday interview on Fox and Friends. Pointing to Department of Justice watchdog (OIG) report, Giuliani also says that the Hillary Clinton email investigation was a “total fix,” and that both former FBI Director James Comey and FBI investigator Peter Strzok should face justice. “The investigation that we’ve been reading about for a year and a half was given birth to by all of these corrupt acts by Peter Strzok, Comey,” said Giuliani. “How about Comey’s leak? Why does he have a department leaking? Cause HE leaks! Admittedly! He leaked a memo to the professor. And that is the basis of this entire investigation.” “Let’s look at it this way … Peter Strzok was running the Hillary investigation. That’s a total fix. That’s a closed-book now, total fix. Comey should go to jail for that. And Strzok. But then what does Comey do? He takes Strzok – who wanted to get Trump in any way possible – he puts him in charge of the Russia investigation.” “How come they’re not finding any evidence of collusion? Because the President didn’t do anything wrong and he’s being investigated corruptly.” Giuliani then lashed out at Mueller’s team of “13 angry Democrats” – at least one of whom donated to Hillary Clinton, and another who – according to text messages in the OIG report, was “numb” and couldn’t stop crying on election night. “Mueller’s got a guy who’s donated $35,000 to Hillary. He’s got one who cried at Hillary’s losing party. They’re just as bad as Strzok. We need to take a look at them.” “The reality is that that kind of disdain shows their incredible liberal elite bias. Their Democratic elite bias. Now, that spills over to Mueller’s people. 13 angry Democrats working for Mueller. People who donated over $35,000 to Hillary Clinton. People who were there at her party that were crying like the FBI agent was crying – I mean, CRYING! Come on.” (Read more)

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