C60 (Carbon 60) is the newest health sensation in the natural health and longevity worlds. So what is C60? It is simply a special geometrical arrangement of 60 carbon atoms into a single molecule that looks like a soccer ball, made up of inter-locking pentagonal and hexagonal structures. C60 molecules are also called fullerenes or buckyballs after Buckminster Fuller, the man who discovered them. By the way, Fuller was the very same guy who said that the best way to overcome a (failing, tyrannical or destructive) system is to create a new one that makes the old one obsolete. Understanding this is the key to defeating the New World Order (NWO) worldwide conspiracy.

A Special Form of Carbon Charcoal

Carbon is a very versatile element, which can manifest itself in many allotropes such as graphite (for pencils), coal and diamond, just to name a few. We humans are carbon-based creatures. C60 is a naturally occurring form of carbon derived from charcoal. If you think it’s strange or unhealthy to ingest charcoal, consider this for a moment: activated charcoal is commonly sold as a supplement and given to people who are suffering acute poisoning. It absorbs the poison by drawing it into its (the charcoal’s) pores. Likewise, zeolite (derived from volcanic mineral ash) is a potent detoxifier which operates on the same principle of drawing in toxic heavy metals and other contaminants to remove them safely from the body.

The C60 Rat Study in France 2o12

What put C60 on the map was this 2012 rat study in France led by Fathi Moussa. The scientists split the rats into 2 groups (the control group and the test group) and gave the latter C60 absorbed in olive oil. C60 is not water-soluble but it is fat-soluble, so they surmised that olive oil would be a good delivery system. The actual intent of the study was to find out the lethal dose of C60, but the results shocked the researchers. They discovered that the lifespan of the test group rodents was extended by 90%! This is basically double. It may even have been longer, too, but the scientists had to kill the rats to end the study. They also discovered that the test group did not develop tumors while the control group did. Other experiments have been done on C60 that show its healing potential and there are now many who believe it can do the same for humans as it did for rats.

How Does C60 Work as a Longevity Agent?

So why does C60 have this incredible effect? The science shows that it’s due to its ability to reduce oxidative stress, i.e. the toll of oxidation (aging) on the body. C60 is the best-known antioxidant on Earth, far beyond vitamin C in its antioxidative ability. This means when C60 enters the body it starts disabling free radicals and other so-called “reactive oxygen species” (hereafter called ROS) that bombard the body with extra electrons to cause oxidation. C60 is the most efficient free radical scavenger known to humanity. So how does C60 disable damaging free radicals? In plain English, here’s how: C60 accumulates in the inner membrane layer of mitochondria, which is deep inside the cell. C60 has electrical properties; it absorbs protons, which changes the electrical potential across the entire membrane structure. This in turn greatly decreases the formation of superoxides and other ROS. The end result is a reduction in oxidative stress. (Read more)

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