MSNBC continued its never ending Trump derangement syndrome broadcast Tuesday, with one analyst in particular declaring that President Trump has ‘fulfilled’ Osama Bin Laden’s vision for America, and that the US is now a worse place to live than Venezuela and Cuba. Former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt, who quit the party last week, exclaimed that “Today was a fantastic fulfillment of Osama bin Laden’s vision by Donald J. Trump,” in reference to the Supreme Court decision ruling Trump’s travel ban to be constitutional. “What Osama bin Laden hoped to provoke was a war of civilization. A war between the West and one billion Muslims. And so what Donald Trump and this Muslim ban signal to the world is that Muslims are not welcome here,” Schmidt said. “Whether the conservative justices say that, in fact, this is about executive power, the president’s clear intent was to impose a religious test,” Schmidt said. “That is fundamentally un-American as anything that he’s done over the course of his presidency.” he further declared. The travel ban puts a complete stop to any new visa applications by citizens from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, North Korea, and Venezuela. It has been termed the ‘Muslim ban,’ regardless of the fact that those countries, most on the verge of becoming failed states, account for only 8% of the world’s Muslim population, and are known to be harbingers of hardcore terrorists and enemies hostile to the US. “The only force in the world that has the power to defeat extremist Islamic radicalism is moderate Islam. And moderate Islam was dealt a big setback today by this shortsighted, dangerous policy,” Schmidt argued, nevertheless. Earlier on Morning Joe, Schmidt also declared that the US is a worse place to live than Venezuela and Cuba because those countries don’t have “internment camps for babies and toddlers.” “The extraordinary and astounding hypocrisy of it, to see the constancy of the assertion of Christian virtue by political leaders in this country who have established internment camps for babies and toddlers,” Schmidt added. Schmidt has previously admitted he strongly dislikes Trump, calling him a “stone-cold racist” and declaring during a Rolling Stone interview that the “party of Trump must be obliterated.” “If the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan is to be redeemed and resurrected, then the party of Trump must be obliterated. Annihilated. Destroyed,” he said. “And all of the collaborators, the complicit enablers, the school of cowards, need to go down. Maybe something can regenerate from that.” MSNBC ran extensive programming denouncing the travel ban, bringing on no less than 10 Guests to trash the policy within 90 Minutes of the Supreme Court’s ruling: Later on in the evening, Chris Matthews had a full on meltdown over the ruling, stating that “Donald Trump’s dark brand of politics received the Supreme Court’s seal of approval today.” (Source)

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