30 years of lies… and counting

Here are some of the most bizarre, insane, and just plain wrong predictions of disaster: — One of our day’s biggest climate hoaxers, former Vice President Al Gore, predicted in 2006 as he was hyping in his BS (but nevertheless Oscar-winning) documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” that unless we took “drastic measures” to reduce “greenhouse gases,” then the world would reach a “point of no return” within a decade. That prediction is now 12 years old. Mind you, Gore has never been a climate scientist or even a scientist at all; he’s just a political huckster like any other Democrat who claims to have intimate knowledge about the Earth. — In March 2000, a writer for the UK’s Independent wrote that “snowfalls are now just a thing of the past,” as Britain was undergoing “striking environmental change” (thanks to selfish humans). But then a strange thing happened; England kept seeing snowfall. In fact, in March of this year rural UK received so much snow, one longtime resident of rural England remarked: “I’ve never seen anything like this.” — In 2007, Australia’s The Age pondered, “Can climate change get worse? It has,” onto its way to predict “more catastrophic damages from climate change than in the worst-case scenario forecast by international experts.” That, ostensibly, included losing most of the Australian continent to flooding as melting ice dramatically increased the sea level. There are many more, and Tony Heller of RealClimateScience.com put together a video of 30 years’ worth of bogus global warming/climate change predictions that never came true (and never will). (Read more)

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