During the first American Civil War fought between April of 1861 and 1865, the four years of intense combat left between 620,000 and 750,000 people dead, “more than the number of U.S. military deaths in all other wars combined until the Vietnam War.” With Americans killing Americans over 4 brutal years, it’s no coincidence that a google search for ‘civil war‘ in 2018 brings up a mix of results with the first one showing up for me being this new story from Task & Purpose titled “Near A Third Of Americans Believe A Second Civil War Is On The Horizon”.  A war which might be edging ever closer after a massive brawl broke out in Portland, Oregon Saturday night after a peaceful prayer rally held by those who love America was violently attacked by left wing Antifa terrorists. As Susan Duclos reported on ANP on Saturday, with civil unrest already being seen all across America and Hollywood producer Michael Moore now threatening that he’ll surround the nation’s capitol with a million people to stop President Trump from getting another Supreme Court Justice approved, a ‘tipping point’ has surely been reached with the mainstream media actually inciting the left into a violent frenzy by reporting that President Trump’s supporters are all Nazi’s and concentration camps are surely ahead. And while the Democrats have made it clear that Antifa is their chosen terrorist organization, a look at the tactics used by Antifa prove to us that they are the ‘real fascists’, attempting to silence the speech of anybody who they disagree with, using violence against peaceful demonstrators as we see in the 2nd video below which shows some of what happened in Portland on Saturday night and for some reason, actually supporting global totalitarianism by going up against the nationalism seen in President Donald Trump and MAGA. Giving us a perfect look at what Antifa now is in the first video below we see the trailer for Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie, ‘Death of a Nation’, in which he demolishes the lies coming to us from Democrats and the mainstream media, lies which the masses now embrace with a result of rapidly maddening rage. From the trailer for ‘Death of a Nation’. (Read more)

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