Brains To Be Grown From Neanderthal DNA And Implanted In Robots

While “Neanderthal Cyborg Cavemen” would be a great name for a band, it sounds like a bad thing to create in a lab which is on a college campus filled with kids tired of playing beer pong. Yet that’s exactly what’s happening at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine where researchers are using Neanderthal DNA (bad idea number one) to grow Neanderthal mini-brains (bad idea number two) that they plan to connect to robotic bodies (a bad idea hat trick) to test the Neanderthal mini-brains’ ability to learn (a good movie idea but still a bad idea in general). What could possibly go wrong? (Say this four times quickly.)

The US Patent Office Is An Official Chokepoint For The “Planned Society”—Or Should We Say The “Restricted Society.”

In light of the resurgence in the news this past month regarding President Trump’s announcement of a proposed ‘Space Force’, as a new, sixth branch of the military (see here and here), For many individuals, the notion of being in outer-space on various missions, brings their imaginations and energy to the fore, in tremendous ways — as in, The Flood. And, when that happens, then things start to happen — for the betterment of all of us. President Trump is reminding us of the imagination and energy inside each of us — and that, in-and-of-itself, is a gesture that should never be underestimated. With that said, what are some of the technologies needed for various successfully-conducted space missions? And, how many of those technologies are currently being withheld from the public in secret?

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