In a disturbing attempt to normalize pedophilia as a mainstream “sexual orientation,” pedophiles are rebranding themselves as “Minor Attracted Persons,” with the hope that they will be accepted as part of the LGBT community. A website has been established called “The Prevention Project,” which sports the tagline “Everyone deserves support,” and attempts to push two disgusting ideas—that there are different classes of “pedophiles” for different ages of children that should be accepted by society, and that “non-offending pedophiles” should be praised for the fact that they have yet to molest a child. The Prevention Project defines a “pedophile” as an adult who is attracted to pre-pubescent children, and claims that there are different classes of “pedophiles,” based on the age of the child, which include infantophiles (pedophiles who are attracted only to infants), hebephiles (pedophiles who are attracted to pubescent children), and ephebophiles (pedophiles who are attracted to post-pubescent children). The website then went on to argue that in the case of the fictional character “John,” his sexual attraction to children, aged 6-12, was justified because he had yet to harm a child or to act on his sickening desires, and anyone who believed John was in the wrong was simply influenced by “religious beliefs.” The Prevention Project stated:
First, let’s be clear. “John” is actually not a child molester nor is he a sex offender. The term “sex offender” is a legal construct that one receives as the result of being found guilty and sentenced in the criminal justice system for sexually abusing someone. Instead, “John” has an attraction to children and he wants help to ensure he is safe in society. He is also committed to preventing child sexual abuse by speaking out against it and by showing his support of global child sexual abuse prevention programs on his social media. Why would “John” not deserve support via therapy? After all, isolation and depression are known to increase one’s risk of doing something they might regret. 
Launching into a conversation on NOMAPs or “Non-Offending Minor-Attracted Persons,” the Prevention Project argued that individuals should feel safe sharing their sexual attraction to children without being worried about the recourse from individuals in society because “research also indicates that someone can be attracted to a child without inevitably sexually abusing them.”  (Read more)

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