Statement from Alex Jones: The EU is already fining Google and others if they don’t start censoring speech by calling it “hate speech” and/or “fake news.” When our government doesn’t start fining them for violations of free speech, racketeering and trust/monopolistic behavior, that encourages other governments like China and the EU have influence over the free market of ideas. But this situation also highlights the trust set up by mutli-national combines based in China and in Europe that’s stealing all of our rights and freedoms through a concerted effort. Over two-and-a-half years ago, Matt Drudge came to our studio and warned of this attack on the First Amendment. That’s why they want alternative and independent media shut down. They would’ve done all of this last year had Hillary gotten into the White House. Yet, due to Trump instead getting elected, this plan has been held off for about a year-and-a-half. Now, it seems, they don’t fear Trump for whatever reason, and now they’re making their move. But I don’t think President Trump has been compromised, but he’s compromising himself one way or another if his administration doesn’t make this the central issue. Free speech is the central issue; this is the heart of the matter. This is the core. This is it.

Apple, Spotify, Facebook and YouTube all banned Infowars within 12 hours of each other, illustrating how last night’s purge was a coordinated effort and has nothing to do with these platforms enforcing “hate speech” rules.

Here are the real reasons Infowars is being purged by Big Tech;

– Infowars is widely credited with having played a key role in electing Donald Trump. By banning Infowars, big tech is engaging in election meddling just three months before crucial mid-terms.

– With the Infowars ban, Apple, Facebook , Spotify & YouTube (Google) have all now ascribed themselves the power to remove people & outlets from their platforms based on their political opinions. This power will be abused time and time again to meddle in elections.

– The ban also sets the precedent that the mere charge alone of having committed “hate speech,” with no specific examples even provided, is enough to memory hole an individual or group’s digital presence.

– The ban is just part of a wider censorship purge that also use stealth censorship, shadow banning and algorithmic manipulation to hide and bury conservative content.

– Apple also chose to shut down Infowars after we repeatedly criticized them for working with and selling data to the Communist Chinese government. Just a coincidence, I’m sure.

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