You might wonder why there are Somalia “refugees” in Minnesota. Why the U.S. flew them over a half dozen or so safe, Sunni Muslim countries. Then brought them to our shores. Why at the same time we spurned Iraqi Christians with nowhere to go, whose country we’d actually messed up and rendered unsafe for them.

But that would be silly. We can spot it as part of a plan, one newly elected President Barack Obama announced right at the start. His goal? The “fundamental transformation” of America. His core supporters counted on that, and its interruption by Trump’s narrow win brought on their two year tantrum.

A big part of the plan entails stuffing the place with Muslims. They serve (along with sexual minorities, disaffected ethnic groups, and newly imported socialist voters from Latin American backwaters) to replace the “proletariat” in the cultural Marxist scheme. The working class in America never warmed to Marxism. And even in Europe blue collar workers have turned away from his arid, empirically falsified philosophy. (Read more)

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