A survey on cannabidiol (CBD) usage found that women are more likely than men to use CBD; and once they start using it they quit traditional forms of big pharma painkillers like Tylenol, ibuprofen, and Vicodin, Forbes reported.
Brightfield Group, a cannabis market research organization, and HelloMD, an online community that brings together doctors and cannabis patients, studied 2,400 of HelloMD’s community of 150,000 members by monitoring their usage of CBD products and their overall effectiveness.
CBD oil is derived as a powerful ingredient reaped from the hemp plant. Many may find it shocking to learn that CBD is similar to a compound that our bodies produce naturally, and from birth, called endocannabinoids. Cannabinoids aren’t just found in the cannabis plant, they’re also naturally occurring in other plants in nature, they are just found at a higher potency in cannabis or hemp.
CBD has shown promise as a treatment for conditions like epilepsy and anxiety in early research. Although more research is needed into CBD oil and its effects, much of the studies have been positive.
The survey taken in 2017 found that an overwhelming amount of CBD users were women 55%, while men preferred tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-dominant products such as oils derived from marijuana known as “dabs.”
The participants in the study used micro-doses or less than 10 mg of their preferred CBD product for the test. It was stated that vaping was the preferred means of administering their medication, with edibles second.