There are two significant events in recent history that changed the world forever. The Atlantic Charter, which ushered in the foundation of the United Nations, and 9/11, which ushered in the Patriot Act. Many experts say the Patriot Act violates the constitution. Regardless, all of these changes came in the name of safety and peace.

When Donald J. Trump got elected President of the United States, the world was rocked! America was no longer being absorbed into the global governance of the United Nations. It was time for America to become a self-sustaining nation once again! The globalist’s progress of creating a one world system was beginning to become undone, all thanks to President Trump and the Will of The American People.

There is a well known theory among elite academia that there exists a Social Contract to which people must give up their rights for the safety of all.

From Psychcology Today:

Finally, public hysteria over a perceived problem often results in the passing of legislation that is highly punitive, unnecessary, and serves to justify the agendas of those in positions of power and authority.

Jamie Metzl, technology and healthcare futurist, geopolitical expert, entrepreneur, author of Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity, and Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council, recently said – “Now is the time when we need to think about what we would like the new world to look like, and start planning for it and building it.”

Metzl also shared a quote during Singularity University’s COVID-19 Virtual Summit from the Italian Communist theorist Antonio Gramsci, written during the Great Depression: “The old world is dying and the new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters.”

From SingulartiyHub:

In hindsight, it’s easy to picture a far better response and outcome to the COVID-19 outbreak. What if, three months ago, there’d been a global surveillance system in place, and at the first signs of the outbreak, an international emergency team led by the World Health Organization had immediately gone to Wuhan?

“We—all of us—need to re-invigorate a global system that can engage people inclusively across differences and across countries,” Metzl said. “We need to be articulating our long-term vision now so that we can evaluate everything against that standard.”

There’s not a total lack of a positive long-term vision now; the UN sustainable development goals, for example, call for gender equality, no poverty, no hunger, decent work, climate action, and justice (among other goals) around the world.

The problem is that we don’t have institutions meaningful enough or strong enough to effect realization of these principles; there’s a mismatch between the global nature of the problems we’re facing and the structure of national politics.

What exactly are we facing here? What agendas are being served behind the scenes?

We know of the globalist’s desire for a one world government and we know they have been pursuing it for many decades now. They just need the perfect event to usher in the system…

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