The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was elected with the help of China back in May 2017.

WHO, a department of the United Nations, led by Tedros, is practically working for Communist China’s tyrannical government by promoting their message to the world.

From The Daily Caller:

Despite all evidence to the contrary, Chinese authorities are weaving a false counternarrative in which China was actually the victim of a foreign virus that it quickly moved to contain. And the WHO is helping them do it.

Tedros has praised China’s “transparency” and held up the country as a model response  — even though the communist regime covered and then concealed the severity of the outbreak.

Chinese authorities forced scientists who discovered the virus in December to destroy proof of the virus, U.K. newspaper The Sunday Times reported. The Chinese regime also punished doctors who tried to warn the public in the outbreak’s early stages and suppressed information about the virus online. A Chinese real estate mogul who criticized his government’s response has since gone missing.

While Tedros has covered for the Chinese regime throughout the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, he hasn’t hesitated to criticize the U.S. and other China adversaries for their coronavirus response, as Michael Collins, a research associate for Asia Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, noted in a Feb. 27 blog post.

Most people in the United States know that Communist China cannot be trusted and now we have a top WHO official promoting China’s propaganda. The question we all are asking is – why?

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