The mainstream-media continues to bash President Trump on how his administration has handled the cornovirus pandemic thus far.

MSM’s continued biased reporting does not seem to be phasing Trump supporters. Recent polling reveals a significant increase in Trump’s approval ratings.

From Washington Examiner:

A Morning Consult poll taken last week recorded a nearly 10-point jump in net approval of Trump’s handling of coronavirus in a matter of days, with 53% approving and 39% disapproving. The biggest driver of this increase was separate 8-point spikes in approval among Democrats and independents. An ABCNews/Ipsos poll released Friday had 55% approving of Trump’s coronavirus management, up 12 points from the previous week, while 43% disapproved.

A Monmouth poll released on Monday found 50% of people thought Trump was doing a good job coping with the outbreak to 45% who believed he was doing a bad job. The same survey found Trump’s overall job approval rating ticking up to 46%, with 48% still disapproving.

“The president gets more positive than negative marks for his handling of the COVID outbreak, but his numbers are still driven by the nation’s typical partisan divide. Governors, on the other hand, seem to be emerging as the most trusted official voice in this crisis across the board,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute, in a statement accompanying the results.

Regardless of MSM’s continued lies, Trump’s fate ultimately resides with the voters and The Will of The American People Nov. 3, 2020!

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