The human heart is corrupt. It lies, it seeks power, it lusts, it steals, it naturally desires the things of this world, it is engraved with sickness, with a disease. We’ve been cast out. We’ve been separated from God, who’s presence has no ailments, and is the almighty force that created/creates all things. And ever since the very first decision to turn away from God, corruption flows through our DNA and we see death. The story is told in the book of Genesis.

And now, we are caught up in a continuous cycle of trying to get it right, trying to make the perfect system on earth to pacify the masses, and they have the politicians to sell it.

While the global elites rule, they believe they will be like God and they will transcend the bondage of the flesh by unlocking some type of immortality through out-of-this-world technology. They are following the same lie as told by Satan in the Garden of Eden. “You will be like God.”

Regardless of the meditation you do, frequency vibrations you listen to, or the rituals you perform, YOU WILL FACE DEATH. We all will face death.

But there is a HOPE! There is an ANSWER!

God showed us the way. He showed us the way through Jesus Christ, Yeshua. It’s documented that the works of Jesus Christ were miraculous. He healed the lame, walked on water, restored sight to the blind and raised the dead. Jesus’ life on earth was documented by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Those documentations, along with letters from Paul were compiled to make what is now called the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul spent a significant amount of time with Jesus.

Have you ever read the New Testament? If not, don’t approach it as if you are reading the “Bible.” Keep in mind you are reading historical documentation and written letters from people who hung out with the one they call The Christ.

Who is Jesus Christ? Who is this man they call God, the Messiah? Why did He have such an impact? Why did He cause such a uproar? Why is He engraved in our minds? Why is He brought up everywhere? Why was he hunted down and killed? Why did He resurrect from death?

He is either Real, truly is the Messiah – our way to reconnect with God through admission. OR, He is the biggest fraud in the history of the world.

That is for YOU to decide. Do your research, do it for yourself and don’t let anyone lead you astray. You might just be surprised on what you find…

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