2020 has been a year for the history books. Now, we are in 2021 and things haven’t changed much. Each day is full of the unexpected. When we check the news it’s almost always a surprise, and we aren’t talking about the dinosaur mainstream news, I mean – who watches that anymore anways?

We could debate all day long about the authenticity of the coronavirus lockdowns but lets just point out the obvious – the COVID-19 lockdowns revealed to the world how much power the government has and how much power they THINK they have.

Let’s move along to election fraud. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence proving that there was massive election fraud in the 2020 election. Some people will debate that and try to argue there wasn’t any fraud but lets just point out the obvious yet again – elite elected officials, big government worked tirelessly to prevent any audits/recounts – and that alone is a key indicator they were covering up something.

Now we have GameStop. Well, we aren’t market experts here but the short story is that, GameStop was going under – the elites with Hedge Fund fronts were betting and cheering for GameStop’s collapse and We The People rallies together and “saved” GameStop from falling. The People drove up GameStop’s stock price and it made headlines.

Shortly after headlines broke, big trading companies halted GameStop trading. In other words, they illegally prevented the people from trading in order to help the elites. Luckily, some elected officials are fighting for the people. Check out the link below.

Texas AG Issues CIDs To Robinhood, Citadel, Others Over “Shocking Coordination” Between Hedge Funds, Trading Platforms To Halt Trading

Okay, lets hit this last point of DOGECOIN. If you are unfamiliar with cryptocurrency, basically it is a form of electronic currency, completely independent and decentralized. You can find tons of articles online explaining it so we won’t get into that here.

Lets just say the elites are they are terrified of crypto because they have NO control over it.

DOGECOIN is a cryptocurrency that is being rallied. People are coming together, organizing and working to build wealth for the “little guy.” The collective goal is to get DOGECOIN to the worth of $1. At the moment, as of 10:15 AM (ET) the price of one DOGECOIN is 0.0334 USD. Some people consider this the “dip” and that it’s a good time to buy.

Here are some good platforms to buy from:

There are more platforms to buy from, those are just the most popular ones.

So, how are all these things connected? It’s a classic story of David vs. Goliath. It’s the elites trying to maintain control. It’s the powers that be trying to show us who is boss. And slowly, we are showing them, we are the ones truly in control.

People are starting to wake up to the truth of the lockdowns, people are starting to hold their ground and operate their businesses how THEY want.

People are starting to realize that the circus of the two part system is a fasad and the elites use the mainstream media to keep people arguing with each other in order to prevent us from organizing and making real change. Antifa, BLM, Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and many others are starting to work together and organize change.

We The People are coming together and realizing that WE can do what Wall Street does. We can organize and create wealth.

It is us vs. them.

We are the many, they are the few.

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