70% of the Respondents Already Invested in Bitcoin

According to Xangle, who surveyed 379 accredited investors, 67% of them have some knowledge about defi. Overall, such respondents claimed to have developed a significant interest in the cryptocurrency industry over the past year.

But the higher interest goes beyond the respondents, as 72.2% of them stated they were “very likely to invest” in Defi in the next 12 months.

Just 17.5% of the surveyed accredited investors are in the category of thinking that they’d be “somewhat likely to invest,” said the research.

Moreover, the crypto asset disclosure platform found that respondents invest more now than before the coronavirus pandemic. Per the figures, 70% of the surveyed U.S. accredited investors have invested in bitcoin (BTC).

Xangle added:

Surveyed investors see bitcoin as a store of value that will yield high returns, either through short-term investments or by buying and holding.

Still, respondents believe there is a lack of regulation regarding consumer protection in the crypto industry, including defi. According to the study, 78% of them think “regulators need to protect investors more”

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