The White House has weeded out young staffers who have smoked pot – despite them having been informally told that past highs would be overlooked, it has been revealed.

The Biden administration has suspended dozens of young staffers, asked them to resign or placed in a remote work program – including those who exclusively used cannabis in states where it is legal, Daily Beast reported. 

Young staffers were fired because they revealed on official documents during background checks they had smoked weed even though some were informally told that the new administration would overlook past use, sources told the outlet.

‘It’s exclusively targeting younger staff and staff who came from states where it was legal,’ a former staffer said.

Recreational marijuana use – which remains illegal federally – has been fully legalized in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont and Washington state – as well as D.C.

‘There were one-on-one calls with individual affected staffers—rather, ex-staffers. I was asked to resign,’ a staffer told The Daily Beast.

The staffer added that ‘nothing was ever explained’ on firing calls led by Anne Filipic, the House director of management and administration.

‘The policies were never explained, the threshold for what was excusable and what was inexcusable was never explained,’ the staffer said.

Biden’s marijuana policies for staffers requiring security clearances may prove controversial.

Former President Barack Obama admitted in his first book, Dreams From My Father, that he used marijuana and ‘maybe a little blow’ before entering politics, The New York Times reported. Blow typically is slang for cocaine.

Obama had noted that he did not try heroin because he did not like the person who tried to sell it to him.

Biden’s own son Hunter has struggled with drug addiction and received an administrative discharge from the U.S. Navy Reserves in 2014 after testing positive for cocaine use.

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