The PUNDIX token contract address: 0x0fd10b9899882a6f2fcb5c371e17e70fdee00c38

The total supply of PUNDIX is 258,498,693.

The swap ratio between NPXS and PUNDIX is 1000:1

We are officially kicking off the token redenomination process. The good thing is, if your NPXS tokens are currently in exchange or XWallet, you don’t need to do anything: they will automatically swap your NPXS to PUNDIX. Since the swap will last one year, different exchanges have their own timeline to support. Please check with your exchange when and how to support the swap.

To see the participating exchanges, you can read this announcement.

For those who store NPXS or wish to swap in a private wallet, there are two options. Here is the step-by-step guide:

Option 1: Swap your NPXS to PUNDIX via f(x) Wallet

  1. Download the wallet on the official website:
  2. Send NPXS tokens and ETH to your f(x)Wallet. You can find the NPXS and ETH address (they are the same address) by tapping the token icon. Then click the address. The menu of this address will pop up. Simply choose “Receive” to copy the address.
  3. Once you have tokens in the wallet, click the button at your lower right hand side and visit the CryptoBank page. You can see the NPXS swap section. Click on “Swap now” to start it.

*Before the swap, make sure you select the wallet address that has the NPXS tokens and this address has sufficient ETH for the swap transaction gas fee.

Then click the “Next” button to process the swap transaction. After the transaction is sent, your PUNDIX token will arrive into your wallet.

*If the PUNDIX token don’t show on your asset page, just click + to add “PUNDIX” to your asset list.

Option 2: Swap on the official website

This is the ONLY official link to the swap site:

If your NPXS is in other blockchain wallets, such as MetaMask, ImToken or the Ledger wallet, please follow the instruction below:

  1. Visit the swap link and connect your wallet to process.

If you are using Metamask, you can connect your wallet via Metamask.

If you are using imToken, Trust wallet or any other wallets that have the Wallet Connect function, you can connect your wallet via WalletConnect.

If you are using hardware wallet Ledger, you can connect your wallet via Ledger.

*Please make sure your wallet has sufficient ETH for the swap transaction gas fee.

2. Approve your NPXS to swap

3. Complete the swap transaction

4. After the transaction succeeds, your PUNDIX token will arrive into your wallet. If you don’t see the PUNDIX on your wallet , please add PUNDIX via the contract address 0x0fd10b9899882a6f2fcb5c371e17e70fdee00c38

Beware of scammers. Please triple check before you swap your NPXS tokens. Here is a list of Pundi X official communication channels:

Blog: https://blog.pundix.com

Telegram group:

Telegram news channel:




XWallet support:

Contributed by Pundi X (writers).

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