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One Iowa State University professor who was invited to speak on a student government “Diversity and Inclusion panel” on March 10, allegedly tweeted that she limits her interactions “with yt people as much as possible.”

Professor Rita Mookerjee works, who made the comments, is a professor of sociology at Iowa State University.

“Lately, I try to limit my interactions with yt people as much as possible. I can’t with the self-importance and performance esp during Black History Month,” Mookerjee tweeted.

The term “yt” is often used online in place of the word “white” in conversations involving race. 

In one October 2020 tweet, acccording to the Young Americans for Freedom group at Iowa State University, the professor tweeted that “whyte men with dirty hair and wrinkled clothes will always be liked and higher ranked.” 

Another tweet by Mookerjee stated that “Someone called me white the other day so #NewProfilePic because I think the f*ck not.”

The Young Americans for Freedom chapter, commenting on Mookerjee being invited to speak on the panel, asked if the student government plans “on hosting this professor for Women’s Week after she has made repeated racist claims against women of a different race?”

The student government responded, stating that the tweets from Mookerjee “do not reflect the views of the student government,” but decided to proceed with inviting her to speak on the panel.

The President of Young Americans for Freedom at Iowa State, Charles Klapatauskas, told Campus Reform that “YAF was not supportive of the decision to not remove Dr. Mookerjee from the women’s panel.”

Despite the content of the tweets, Klapatauskas made it clear that YAF supports her right to speak.

“YAF might disagree with the content of the tweets, we firmly stand behind her ability to tweet out such things.”

Contributed by Campus Reform.

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