Joe Biden claimed while receiving a COVID booster shot Monday that about 98% of the American people should receive the COVID injection for life to get “back to normal.”

A reporter asked Biden as he was unrolling his sleeve, “How many Americans need to be vaccinated before getting back to normal?”

A masked Biden responded: “Well, I think, look — I think we get the vast majority like what’s going on in some industries and some schools 97, 98 percent. I think we’ll get awful close.”

“And, uh, but I’m not the scientist, I think — but one thing’s for sure, a quarter of the country can’t go unvaccinated and us not continue to have a problem,” he added.

So much for “herd immunity.”

Biden’s statement is absurd on its face, because the injections haven’t been approved for children under 12 years old, who make up about 47 million Americans.

Additionally, some Americans will inevitably be unable to take the shot due to pre-existing medical conditions that warrant a doctor-approved exemption.

The fact is, Biden doesn’t care about the science.

Otherwise, he would talk more about natural immunity and other Covid treatment alternatives like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, Regeneron, and vitamin D and zinc, and even exercise and healthy dietary practices.

And the only way to reach an almost 100% vaccination figure is if the corporate sector works hand in glove with the federal government — corporate fascism instituting medical tyranny.

Contributed by Infowars.

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