Big Pharma now “owns” and controls nearly all university medical research funding

The pharmaceutical industry has been heavily scrutinized in the past for trying to buy and influence the favor of medical professionals like doctors. But now that flat-out bribery has gotten harder to pull off, the industry has found more insidious means of keeping their fingers in the pot: Funding medical research at the university level. Why spend all that time and effort trying to persuade an established healthcare provider, when they can just win the favor of young professionals to-be? Big Pharma’s influence on university medical research simply cannot be ignored — especially when they’re the ones funding most of it.

[VIDEO] Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

Proof that the NEW WORLD ORDER has been planned by the elite. Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society, predicted today’s problems with uncanny accuracy back in 1958 and prescribed solutions in 1974 that are very similar to Ron Paul’s positions today. This is proof that there are plans in place by the elite to systemically disassemble US sovereignty. I wonder who those elite are.

[VIDEO] Devastating: The 45 Secret Goals Of Communism

Goal number seven of the Secret 45 Goals of Communism leaked to Congress in 1963 states “Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.”. Alex Jones and Joel Skousen recount the importance of his Uncle Cleon Skousen’s classic “The Naked Communist” and its influence on the 1963 unveiling of the 45 goals of Communism by congressman Hon. A.S. Herlong Jr. of Florida. Many of the goals have been met fifty five years later.

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