Rebalancing The Masculine & The Feminine

When the masculine and the feminine are in balance, there is fluidity, relationship, a flow of energy, unity, totality. This fluidity and balance is perhaps best illustrated by the Taoist image of the indissoluble relationship and complementarity of Yin and Yang. In the broadest terms, the feminine is a containing pattern of energy: receptive, connecting, holding things in relationship to each other; the masculine is an expanding pattern of energy: seeking extension, expansion towards what is beyond. More specifically, the feminine reflects the instinctual matrix and the feeling (heart) values of consciousness; the masculine reflects the questing, goal-defining, ordering, discriminating qualities of consciousness, generally associated with mind or intellect. For millennia women have lived closer to the first pattern; men to the second. But now, there is a deep impulse to balance these within ourselves and in our culture. There is an urgent need to temper the present over-emphasis on the masculine value with a conscious effort to integrate the feminine one.

ADHD drug use has skyrocketed 345% among young women in 12 years according to the CDC, increasing birth defects

As Big Pharma and the medical establishment continue to convince people they have various medical conditions and need medications to function or even survive, we’re seeing rises in the use of everything from antidepressants to statins. However, a new report from the CDC is shedding light on one disturbing trend in particular: a sharp spike in the number of child-bearing aged women who take medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD.

Assange Keeps Warning Of A.I. Censorship, And It’s Time We Started Listening

Throughout the near entirety of human history, a population’s understanding of what’s going on in the world has been controlled by those in power. The men in charge controlled what the people were told about rival populations, the history of their tribe and its leadership, etc. When the written word was invented, men in charge dictated what books were permitted to be written and circulated, what ideas were allowed, what narratives the public would be granted access to.

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