[VIDEO] WARNING: USDA Organic Fraud On The Rise!

USDA Organic fraud is on the rise in the U.S. and many consumers are under the assumption that the USDA Organic certification still holds the value it began with. Recently, after the USDA and other advocacy groups discovered rampant fraud within the lightly regulated Organic certification program, Congress is considering a bill to double the USDA’s regulatory budget.

Tesla’s enormous battery in Australia, just weeks old, is already responding to outages in ‘record’ time

Less than a month after Tesla unveiled a new backup power system in South Australia, the world’s largest lithium-ion battery is already being put to the test. And it appears to be far exceeding expectations: In the past three weeks alone, the Hornsdale Power Reserve has smoothed out at least two major energy outages, responding even more quickly than the coal-fired backups that were supposed to provide emergency power.

Physicists find entirely new quantum material that cannot be defined by classical physics

An international team of physicists has “stumbled upon” an entirely new material, which they have called “Weyl-Kondo semimetal”. The “semimetal” belongs to a category of substances known as “quantum materials”. The word quantum in ‘quantum materials’ means they have properties that cannot be described by classical physics and thus we have to invoke quantum physics.

Is Tylenol Damaging Your Child’s Brain?

A number of non-peer-reviewed articles have been written and published on the web claiming that there is literally nothing to fear from acetaminophen during pregnancy. There are two types of articles that fall into this category. First, reputable watchdog organizations have weighed in on the issue, declaring acetaminophen use during pregnancy and during childhood to be proven safe. In particular, the National Health Service of the UK and the Center for Accountability in Science have both strongly criticized the Spanish study from 2016 showing a link between acetaminophen use during pregnancy and ADHD/autism.

New questions emerge about cell phone radiofrequencies causing brain damage, especially in children

Media outlets across the state have been reporting on a warning issued by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) that long-term and extensive use of cellular phones could be detrimental to your health. These phones emit radiofrequency energy when sending and receiving signals to and from cell towers, and some experts have warned that these frequencies could cause brain damage, particularly in children and adolescents.

Alternative fuel for home heating reduces emissions and recycles waste: Researchers say wood pellet fuel is a win-win that outperforms traditional fuels

Wood pellets not only look cool, but they’re also doing great things for the environment. According to a study conducted by the University of New Hampshire, utilizing wood pellets as your primary source of home fuel cuts greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by more than half, compared with fossil fuels and natural gas.

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