House Passes Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Bill

The House of Representatives passed President Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, designed to stabilize the economy and curb the spread of the coronavirus, in a 219-212 vote early Saturday morning, a major step in a complicated legislative process that will eventually allow Democrats to pass the sweeping relief bill into law over the objections of the Republican Party.

NIH Director: Masks ‘Still Important’ Post-Vaccination, ‘Even If We’re Overdoing It, That’s Fine’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast,” NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins stated that even after people have been vaccinated, “we don’t know exactly whether it’s still possible for that person to carry the virus. It might be, and until we have better data, then masks are still important.” And that on masks, “Even if we’re overdoing it, that’s fine. Better that than run the risk of infecting more people.”

The ZeroCovid Movement: Cult Dressed as Science

This past year has given rise to some strange and novel methods of disease containment, including lockdowns and mask mandates. It is unsurprising that the natural next step in this progression has been the development of a movement known as “ZeroCovid.” Its growing influence is, perhaps, predictable given that for nearly a year we have been inundated by the views of so-called experts seeking to legitimize their myopic worldview that public health is determined solely by prevention of Covid-19.

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