LBRY responds to SEC regarding ‘disastrous’ securities Complaint

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has been keeping a close watch on the cryptocurrency industry and blockchain start-up LBRY Inc. is now in the regulator’s crosshair. The SEC alleged that the New Hampshire-based company conducted unregistered sales of its native token, which it considers security. Now, the blockchain company has fired back stating that based on SEC’s allegations, most tokens would be defined as securities.

CD Projekt Red is Reconsidering Cyberpunk 2077 Multiplayer

Cyberpunk 2077’s launch was woefully negative. From falsifying demos to game-breaking glitches, all of it came to a climax after reports of crunch and lack of direction followed the game into launch day. CD Projekt Red has implemented several major patches to fix the game, fixes that were required due to ongoing investigations and the game itself being pulled from the PlayStation Store, but it looks like some restructuring is also being considered. According to a recent investors call, CDPR is considering pulling Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer from its game goals.

Get ready for the next phase of the cancel culture: It will be the most diabolical yet

There is nothing redeemable about America or its Constitution, because these are the products of systemic racism. This racism was baked into every institution, be it state and local governments, law enforcement, school systems, the business world, religious institutions, you name it. All of these institutions are eaten up with “white privilege” and must be turned upside down and “reimagined” according to leftist “woke” principles.

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