Colorado University: If you do things well and in a timely manner, you’re guilty of “white supremacy”

If you haven’t picked up on it yet, the Marxist American left, which owns every level of our education system, is full-tilt working to destroy the fabric of society so their master revolutionaries can step in to ‘restore order’ while imposing authoritarian rule, the way all democracies have been overthrown since Karl Marx first put pen to paper.

On 9/11 Anniversary, CNN Publishes Article Designed to Make Sure You Think Only Positive Thoughts About Islam

Can you remember any CNN pieces attacking anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, anti-Hindu or anti-Buddhist “tropes”? Neither can I. But when it comes to Islam, the establishment media feels a particular solicitude. “There are nearly 2 billion Muslims in the world,” CNN tells us, “and the religious group continues to grow rapidly. Yet Islam continues to be largely misunderstood by many, which has given way to Islamophobia and even violence against Muslims.”

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